Our websites: The Wellington School of Massage Therapy Radiant Health Centre

Free Ortho-Bionomy Info Evening

A FREE Ortho-Bionomy Information Evening, taken by the amazing International Instructor Bruce Stark.  This evening is designed so you can learn a little about this fascinating gentle healing modality. This is the only Ortho-Bionomy Evening we are having this year - make sure you come along!  Ideal for students wanting to know more and also for those who have already done some training. For existing Ortho-Bionomy Practitioners this is such a great opportunity for you to bring your clients along!  Please let us know you are coming by email or phone - thank you.
Ortho-Bionomy details here

The Wellington School of Massage Therapy, Level 3 James Cook Arcade Mini Tower, 294 Lambton Quay, Wellington
Date: Thursday June 2
Time: 7 - 9.30 pm

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