Our websites: The Wellington School of Massage Therapy Radiant Health Centre

Anatomy, Physiology & Pathology

Anatomy & Physiology is the common language of all Health Practitioners, e.g. Massage; NeuroMuscular; Bowen Technique; Kinesiologists, Naturopaths; Reflexologists; Health Coaches; Physiotherapists; Doctors; Chiropractors; Personal Trainers etc. Learning this language gives you access to professionally communicate with all of these people, & thereby build up higher levels of mutual trust & respect. You will NEVER be less effective as a Practitioner for having studied and understood the experience & knowledge that is Anatomy & Physiology. This is the subject of your profession - how the body works in all its different functions; & when & why it stops working properly, or completely. This is what we are here to help with - the optimal functioning of the body.

We'd love you to come on this journey with us - a journey that will excite & expand your mind to the wonder & intricacy of the human body; & will, if you're ready to move on, begin to crumble any limiting beliefs you may have around your complete ability to learn this important & powerful information.

The course covers

  • All the major body systems and,
  • Their common pathologies

You will gain a whole new understanding of how your body works - and will completely transform the way you think of your body - and bodies in general.

Please note - this course does not cover any in depth Musculo-Skeletal anatomy. This will be covered in the Applied Musculo-Skeletal Anatomy Course (AMSA).

Note: feedback from previous students indicate that around 4-6 hours preparation is recommended for each session.

Required Text

Human Anatomy & Physiology 10th edition (global edition)  by Marieb and Hoehn.

This course was a requirement for the Diploma in Therapeutic Treatment Massage, the Diploma in Advanced Treatment Massage & Related Body Therapies, and the Diploma in Kinesiology. It has also been approved (along with the Applied Musculo-Skeletal Anatomy Course) by the Touch for Health Kinesiology Association of NZ as fulfilling their requirements for registration as a Touch for Health Kinesiology Practitioner; and/or for Chartering in Kinesiology with the NZ Charter of Health Practitioners. This Course also meets the requirements of the Reflexology Association as a pre-requisite A, P & P training for access to the 1 year Certificate in Reflexology.


There are no prerequisites for this course - all are welcome; including students from other Health modalities who require A P & P components.

Course ID: A+P
Course Dates:

No dates scheduled at this time.



In-class Hours: 87.5

Out of Class Hours: 262.5

Total Hours: 350


Minimum Students: 8

Maximum Students: 16