Diploma of Proficiency in the Bowen Therapeutic Technique
Our part time and modular training programme, available since 1995, has supported many students to Diploma level qualifications. In 2019 we reduced the number of available courses which means that students are currently not able to study to Diploma level with us in Therapeutic Massage.
A range of individual courses are still available and these are listed on our website.
This is an International qualification, set by the Head Office of Bowtech, the Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia (BTAA). Note: Individual countries have specific requirements for Professional Membership in their respective Bowen Associations. Our programme covers:
Modules 1 - 6 (12 days of training spread over approximately 6 months), plus case study requirements and assessments.
Completion of this qualification includes attendance at 2 x Module 7 Courses (ideally taught by a different Instructor than the Modules 1 - 6); additional case study requirements; Anatomy & Physiology; current First Aid certificate.