Organ, Gland + Body Systems Test Points + Corrections (OGaBS1)
This system uses manual Muscle Testing to assess the energetic status of most of the Organs, Glands and Systems in the body. This is the only Kinesiology system we've found that identifies specific test point locations for these Organs, Glands and Systems, with very specific Corrections - usually nerve ganglia, on specific locations along the spine.
From the Chiropractic System of TBM (Total Body Modification), developed by Chiropractors Victor Frank D.C. and C. Harold Havlic D.C. in the 1970's and 1980's, and Applied Kinesiology developed by George Goodheart and 12 other Chiropractors in the late 1960's and 1970's.
Dr Victor Frank was involved in the original development of Applied Kinesiology, working with George Goodheart D.C., in his clinic; and helped in the development and translation into Japanese of the original Touch for Health textbook. Inspired by the work of Robert Riddler D.C. (Ridler Reflex System) Dr's Frank and Havlic believed that for every disease, there is a cure in nature. And in their desire to embody the chiropractic maxim "the power that made the body can heal the body", they developed a new philosophy called "functional physiology", out of which TMB was born.
There are a large number of Test Points and Corrections to learn, so most of this 2 days will be used for this; which in turn will create balance and health.
In the 2nd workshop of this series (in October) students will learn how to test Organ and Gland Reactivity with 2 and 3 pointing; a bit like balancing a type of "sibling rivalry" between Organ and Glands, and Body Systems.
Touch for Health 1 – 3 or Kinergetics 1 - 3. Other Kinesiology training considered (contact us with your quals)
Module ID: | OGaBS1 |
Course: | Neuro Somatic Visceral Integration |
Course Dates |
No dates scheduled at this time. |
Hours |
In Hours: 22.5 Out Hours: 0 Total Hours: 22.5 |
Numbers |
Minimum Students: 4 Maximum Students: 10 |
This module is taught as part of the Neuro Somatic Visceral Integration.